What was his stand on salvation—once saved, always saved?

Derek says on salvation: “We have been looking in Hebrews 6 and we have spoken about people who have had five experiences. Every one of the experiences in some measure is supernatural. They have been supernaturally enlightened. Christ has been revealed to them, the Bible has been made a living book. They’ve tasted the heavenly gift which I believe is really Jesus Himself.  They became partakers of the Holy Spirit. They’ve related directly and personally to Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. They’ve tasted the good Word of God. The Greek word there is rhema, the word that’s alive, that’s quick, that’s personal. Not just theology but they’ve know what it is for God to speak to them directly and individually through His Word. And they’ve tasted the powers of the age to come through, I believe, the Holy Spirit. I believe through the supernatural infilling of the Holy Spirit, we are lifted up into the next age. We begin to taste something of what it will be like to be living totally in the Spirit. And even to have a glorified body. Now the tragic and solemn thing is that the writer of Hebrews says that people who’ve had all these experiences, if they deliberately turn away, there is nothing more that anyone can do for them to renew them again to repentance. They’ve lost the ability to repent. I don’t want to dwell on this, but I believe I mentioned in my last session that I have personally dealt with people who I believe were in that category. I mean, I am not the final judge, God is. Once we lose the ability to repent, there is no way to God for us. Because without repentance we cannot get back to God.” — quoted from 1109 “Hebrews 6:6 – 7:19”

Derek also said, regarding this topic: “Now we have to go on with the nature of repentance. There is one parable that Jesus told which is the most vivid and perfect illustration of true repentance. It’s the parable of what we call the Prodigal Son. Somebody else has said it should be called the Caring Father. You remember the story in Luke 15, most of you know it. The second son of a wealthy family decided to get all his inheritance from his father right now and went off to a distant country and lived it up. He did all sorts of sinful things. And then, when he’s spent his whole inheritance, a famine came and the only job he could get was feeding pigs. And you have to remember, he was Jewish so for him to feed pigs was just as low as he could come—without any slight on pig farmers. We’re not saying anything against them, but it just so happens that for the Jewish people, the pig is right outside. And so here he is, in rags, feeding the pigs, hungry, wishing he could fill his stomach with the husks that the pigs are eating. And then this is what happens. Verse 17 of Luke 15: ‘When he came to himself, he said. . . .’ “That’s the point you have to come to. You have to come to yourself, what I call ‘the moment of truth.’ You have to see yourself as you really are. You have to see yourself as God sees you. When he came to himself he said, How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger. I will arise and go to my father and will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I’m no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants. “Now, you see the two elements? — Because it goes on to say: ‘And he arose and went to his father.’ He made a decision, and he turned around. That’s repentance. Making a decision and carrying your decision out. Going back to the father whom you have offended, to the God who loves you, saying, ’I’ve made a mess of my life. I can’t run my own life. I need you. Will you take me back?’

The wonderful thing is, he planned to say to the father, ‘Make me as one of your hired servants.’ But when he started out, his father was watching for him. I think this is so beautiful. That’s how God is. When we begin to turn, He’s watching for us and waiting for us. The father saw him a long way off and ran to meet him. “That’s how God is. That’s how He meets us. ‘And he kissed him. . . .’ And he never let him say those last words, ‘Make me as one of your hired servants.’ He said: ‘Bring out the best robe, put a ring on his finger, sandals on his feet and kill the fatted calf.’ “That’s the result of true repentance. It’s worth repenting to be welcomed like that by God. That’s the picture. Just think about it for a moment yourself. He came to himself. He said, ‘I’ve made a mess of my life. I’ve wasted everything my father gave me. But I’m going to make a decision. I’m going to turn around. I’m going to go back to my father and say I’m sorry.’ He turned and went. Think about that. That is true repentance. Repentance in action.

“Now, there can be a false repentance which we in English today call remorse. Judas experienced that, described in Matthew 27, verse 3 and following: Then Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, seeing that he had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priest and elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” And they said, “What is that to us? You see to it.” Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself. “Judas had remorse but he never changed. In fact, I believe he’d passed the point where he could change. And to me this is a solemn thought. People can in this life pass the point where it’s possible for them to change. I think the most significant moment in any human life is the moment when God begins to deal with you about repenting. If you shrug your shoulders and say, ‘Well, I’m not interested. Maybe later,’ there’s no guarantee that God will ever deal with you again. The most critical moment in any human life is the moment when God says, ‘Repent. I’m willing to take you back. I love you, I want you.’

“I’ve considered what I’ve seen in people’s lives and in the Bible. I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s one thing that makes God really angry and it is despising His grace. He freely offers us His grace but if we despise it He turns in anger. There’s one person who despised the grace of God. Do you know what his name was? Esau. And he’s described in Hebrews 12. I want to look at that passage for a moment because there’s a lot of the Esau in people like you and me. We want to be careful that Esau doesn’t make our decisions. This is what it says in Hebrews 12, beginning in verse 14: Pursue peace with all men and holiness without which no one will see the Lord. [Notice that, without holiness no one will see the Lord.]  Looking diligently, lest anyone fall short of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled. Lest there be any fornicator or profane or godless person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.

“Now we have no record whatever that Esau ever committed fornication, but his attitude in God’s eyes was just as bad as fornication. What was his attitude? For one little bowl of soup he despised his birthright. He had the birthright as the elder son. All the inheritance could have gone to him. But just because he was physically hungry and could smell that delicious soup which Jacob had prepared—this is very vivid to me because I lived amongst the Arabs for some time and they make exactly what Jacob made, soup of lentils. They call it in Arabic surabit addis. It has the most delicious smell; it permeates the house. And I can picture Esau coming back from his hunting, tired, hungry, and he just smells this delicious smell. And Jacob says, the bargainer that he was: ‘Listen, you sell me your birthright; I’ll give you the pottage [the soup].’ And I suppose Esau thought, What good will my birthright do to me now? I’m hungry. I'll just take what I've got offered to me. And it says Esau despised his birthright and he made God extremely angry. And later on through the prophet Malachi God said, ‘Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated.’ That’s a very solemn thought. If you deliberately despise the grace of God and the inheritance which He offers you in Jesus Christ and turn away for some cheap, temporary pleasure of this world, you make God very angry.

“And then it says, going on with that story: ‘For you know that afterward when he wanted to inherit the blessing he was rejected [rejected by God] for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.’ “Now the Greek makes it clear. He wasn’t seeking the place of repentance, he was seeking the blessing. But he was rejected because he found no place, no way, to repent. And I do believe that in this life a person can pass the place of repentance and never be able to get back. I want to urge upon you, this is a very, very solemn thought. Far too little is said today in many congregations and many denominations about the need for repentance. But without true repentance there can never be true faith. You’ll always have a wobbly up and down experience—in one day and out the next—because you haven’t laid the first foundation stone which is repentance, a decision of the will to turn away from self-pleasing and doing your own thing to turn back to God, to face up to God and say, ‘God, here I am. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.’ That’s repentance." — quoted from 4162 “Through Repentance to Faith”

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