Did Derek observe the Jewish Sabbath or worship on Sunday?

Derek did both, in a certain sense. Because Derek lived in Jerusalem for much of his life, he enjoyed observing the Sabbath—not as a religious observance, and not because it was a Jewish tradition, but because he felt that the Lord was showing him that he could be more productive if he took twenty-four hours in a week and did no work. It was because of the Lord’s leading rather than under duress or as an obligation he had to fulfill. In addition, he was an active member of an Anglican church in the Old City. When he went on mission trips, he was sent out by that church and when he returned he reported to them the results of his journey. When he was in need, he called for the elders of the church. In short, he believed in being a functioning part of the Body of Christ in whatever place the Lord settled him. — taken from 4068 “Spiritual Blindness: Cause and Cure”.

Derek also said: “I personally do not believe that Christians are required to observe the Sabbath as the Jewish people were.

“I’ll tell you something else: I never could believe that Sunday is the Sabbath. Sunday is the first day of the week and Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. I mean, I never have been able to believe that. One of my problems is that before I became a preacher I was a logician and it just won’t leave me! One and seven are different things.

“Furthermore, if we were required to observe the Sabbath and if the Sabbath were Sunday, we’re all Sabbath breakers. You aren’t allowed to kindle any kind of a fire on the Sabbath. Don’t switch your light on. Don’t turn your stove on. You’re not allowed to travel more than a very minimal distance. Most of you could never get to [church] on Sunday! You’re not allowed to carry any burden, so you couldn’t carry that big Thompson Chain Reference Bible of yours around! So, let’s either do it or not do it—that’s what I say.

“Now the British used to have a very strict and rather dismal way of observing Sunday. I remember that my first wife Lydia was considered a backslider because somebody saw her knitting on Sunday. I tell you, in Newfoundland (that’s the eastern part of Canada) five or ten years ago good men didn’t shave on Sunday. That’s true. I mean good Pentecostal churchgoers didn’t shave on Sunday. If you gave people a hug on Sunday evening you got, you know, a little emery paper!

Well, thing is either do it or don’t do it, but don’t make your own rules. Most of those, I would say, are human rules which have got very little relationship to Scripture.

“But the Scripture says, ‘There remaineth therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God.’ I’ve made it clear to you I’m not talking about observing the Sabbath or making Sunday the Sabbath or all that, but there still is something there we’ll miss if we’re not careful. I’ve often said that we are not required to observe the fourth commandment. You know what the fourth commandment is? ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ I don’t want to exchange Scriptures with people, but if you want to look at a Scripture, look at Colossians 2:16. Paul says: ‘Let no one judge you in respect to the Sabbath day.’” — quoted from 4113 “Worship and Rest”.

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