



  1. 自宅で学べるバイブルコース (Self-Study Bible Course) (1969)
    - Self-Study Bible Course Expanded¹
    - God’s Vision For The Church: Loved, Redeemed, Transformed, Called²
  2. Praying For the Government (1970)
  3. Expelling Demons (1970)
  4. Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting (1973)
  5. Appointment in Jerusalem (1975)
  6. Lucifer Exposed (1975)
    - Defeat The Devil¹
  7. How to Fast Successfully (1976)
  8. Faith to Live By (1977)
    - The Power of Faith¹
  9. The Grace of Yielding (1977)
    - Trusting in God's Grace¹
  10. Marriage Covenant (1978)
  11. Philosophy, the Bible and the Supernatural (1978)
  12. Last Word on the Middle East (1982)
    - The Key To The Middle East¹
    - Promised Land¹
  13. Chords from David's Harp (1983)
    - Through The Psalms¹
  14. 父なる神 (Fatherhood) (1984)
  15. Life's Bitter Pool (1984)
    - From Bitterness To Joy¹
  16. Our Debt To Israel (1984)
  17. God Is a Matchmaker (1986)
  18. のろいからの解放 (From Curse to Blessing) (1986)
  19. Pages From My Life's Book (1987)
  20. 霊的戦い (Spiritual Warfare) (1987)
  21. 初の一ミリオン (The First Mile) (1988)
  22. 宣言の力 (Prayers and Proclamations) (1990)
    - The Power of Proclamation¹
  23. Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose (1990)
    - Explaining Blessings and Curses²
  24. The Choice of a Partner (1990)
  25. なんという愛 (Extravagant Love) (1990)
  26. 呪いから祝福へ (How To Pass From Curse to Blessing) (1990)
  27. 感謝、賛美と礼拝 感謝 (Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship) (1991)
  28. The Destiny of Israel and the Church (1992)
    - Prophetic Destinies¹
  29. あなたのうちにおられる聖霊 (The Holy Spirit In You) (1993)
    - The Spirit-Filled Believer's Handbook Commemorative Edition¹
    - Foundational Truths for Christian Living¹
    - Foundations for Righteous Living¹
    - Foundations for Life¹
    - Foundation Series¹
  30. God's Plan For Your Money (1993)
  31. The Holy Spirit In You (1993)
  32. 拒絶からの回復 (God's Remedy For Rejection) (1993)
  33. Fasting (1993)
  34. イエスの十字架 (The Divine Exchange) (1995)
  35. You Shall Receive Power (1995)
  36. 神の処方箋 (God's Medicine Bottle) (1995)
  37. If You Want God's Best (1996)
    - Don't Settle For Less¹
  38. Does Your Tongue Need Healing? (1996)
    - What Did You Say?¹
  39. God's Will For Your Life (1996)
    - Life's Blueprint¹
    - Objective for Living¹
    - Finding God's Will¹
  40. 神の試練 (Testing) (1997)
  41. They Shall Expel Demons (1998)
  42. Husbands and Fathers (2000)
  43. Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed (2000)
    - Who Cares for Orphans, Widows, The Poor and Oppressed?¹
    - What Jesus Would Do: Having God's Heart For Those in Need¹
  44. Atonement (2000)
    - Bought with Blood¹
  45. Judging (2001)
    - Sound Judgement¹
  46. 救いの達成 (Complete Salvation) (2001)
  47. Fasting Successfully (2002)
  48. Life Changing Spiritual Power (2002)
  49. War in Heaven (2003)
    - War in The Heavenlies¹
  50. The End of Life's Journey (2004)
    - Sharing in Christ's Victory Over Death¹
    - Hope Beyond Grief²
  51. 終わりの日を生き抜く (Surviving the Last Days) (2004)
  52. The Power of the Sacrifice (2005)
  53. Partners For Life (2005)
  54. Rediscovering God's Church (2006)
    - Derek Prince on The New Testament Church¹
    - God’s Vision For The Church: Loved, Redeemed, Transformed, Called²
  55. Rules of Engagement (2006)
    - Empowered for Life¹
    - Battle Ready¹
  56. The Three Most Powerful Words (2006)
    - I Forgive You¹
  57. Entering the Presence of God (2007)
  58. Living in God's Abundance (2007)
  59. The Gifts of the Spirit (2007)
  60. 岩の上に建てる (Founded on the Rock) (2007)
  61. 神の力を伝える (Transmitting God's Power) (2007)
    - Laying on of Hands¹
  62. Prophetic Guide to the End Times (2008)
  63. Protection From Deception (2008)
    - Battle of the Ages¹
  64. Gateway to God's Blessing (2008)
    - Where Wisdom Begins¹
  65. Declaring God's Word (2008)
  66. Power in the Name (2009)
  67. Secrets of a Prayer Warrior (2009)
  68. 神のことばの権威と力 (Authority and Power of God's Word) (2009)
  69. 悔い改めから信仰へ (Through Repentance to Faith) (2009)
  70. You Matter To God (2010)
  71. Called To Conquer (2010)
  72. God's Word Heals (2010)
  73. 信仰と行ない (Faith and Works) (2010)
  74. Doctrine of Baptisms (2010)
  75. 終末 (At the End of Time) (2010)
  76. 死からの復活 (Resurrection of the Body) (2010)
    - Resurrection of the Dead¹
  77. The Promise of Provision (2011)
  78. 聖霊に浸される (Immersion in the Spirit) (2011)
  79. 永遠のさばき (Final Judgment) (2011)
  80. The Harvest Just Ahead (2011)
  81. Set Apart for God (2011)
  82. Be Perfect (2012)
  83. By Grace Alone (2013)
  84. 要塞を打ち壊す (Pulling Down Strongholds) (2013)
  85. Living as Salt and Light (2013)
  86. The Two Harvests (2013)
  87. とりなす者となる (Will You Intercede?) (2013)
  88. Keys to Successful Living (2014)
  89. Ultimate Security (2014)
  90. Father God (2015)
  91. Pride Verses Humility (2016)
  92. What's So Important About the Cross? (2017)
  93. Why Bad Things Happen to God's People (2017)
  94. Spiritual Warfare For the End Times (2017)
  95. 聖餐式 (The Power of Communion) (2017)
  96. Christ's Last Order (2017)
  97. Receiving God's Promises (2018)
  98. なぜイスラエルの為に祈るのか (Why Israel?) (2018)
  99. Longing For His Appearing (2018)
    - Anticipating Jesus' Return¹
  100. The Coming Revival (2019)
  101. Unshakable Hope (2019)
  102. 血潮の適用 (Applying the Blood) (2020)
  103. Hear God's Voice (2020)
  104. Birth of a Breakthrough (2021)
  105. The Pilgrim Legacy (2021)
  106. The Beast or the Lamb (2022)
  107. Self-Study Bible Course On Romans (2023)
  108. Return to Unity (2023)

¹ 代替タイトル.

² 要約版.