Discipleship and Leadership Training

Empowering pastors worldwide with Derek's teachings, focusing on spiritually dark nations and those hungering for biblical truth.

What do we do?

Discipleship and leadership training are fundamental to the mission of Derek Prince Ministries. Recognizing the critical need for well-equipped leaders, we have dedicated significant resources to train and disciple pastors and church leaders around the world. Programs like the Global Outreach Leaders Program (GOLP) provide essential training materials to leaders in Africa and other regions, helping them grow in their roles and effectively lead their congregations.

Derek Prince emphasized the urgency of preparing new leaders for the global harvest, highlighting the need for unity among Christians, regardless of their denomination or background. This pillar ensures that emerging leaders are grounded in sound biblical doctrine and practical ministry skills. Through systematic and condensed teaching available on video and other formats, we aim to build a strong foundation for future generations of Christian leaders. The importance of this pillar lies in its potential to create a ripple effect, as trained leaders go on to disciple others, multiplying the impact of our ministry and advancing the cause of Christ.

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What We Do

Learn more about where we impact lives and communities through Christ-centered outreach initiatives.

Leadership Training

Derek Prince Ministries trains and equips persecuted church leaders globally with biblical teachings, fostering spiritual resilience and growth.

Equipping Believers

Derek Prince Ministries brings the hope of Jesus and spiritual growth worldwide, translating and sharing biblical teachings to empower believers everywhere.

Spiritual Guidance

Transforming lives through profound spiritual support and healing, Derek Prince Ministries brings hope and deliverance from spiritual oppression.

Pastoral Support

Derek Prince Ministries empowers pastors globally with Bible-based teachings and support, ensuring effective spiritual leadership and community growth.

The Heart Behind the Mission

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white.

"What we see on the heart of God is that there’s a worldwide harvest that He wants gathered in and there are multitudes of young Christian believers who need to be fed, who need to be taught, who need to be able to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God. There are new leaders coming forth, God is speaking to young men and women—and some not so young—who are being called into leadership, into ministry of one kind or another. They need to be taught. So, Derek and I and the people of Derek Prince Ministries press on to the goal, toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. We all desire to finish our task and fulfill the purpose for which God created us." (Ruth Prince)

Support the Mission

Support us in nurturing future Christian leaders. Your gift today will provide the teaching and resources needed to equip believers worldwide to grow in faith and fulfill God's call.

We invite you to join us as we pray for our Global Outreach Pillar: Discipleship and Leadership Training
Pray for Directors Elsie and Danny, training the first 50 young leaders in the Andaman Islands. Over 500 Christian youth lack training opportunities. This event empowers the first group for ministry.
Pray that the teachings of Derek Prince would deeply impact the pastors attending and that they would have many open doors to reach unreached tribal groups and for many to be saved.
In May and June, two seminars for minimum 50 pastors will occur. First one in Mondulkiri Province post tribal group outreach. The following in Ratanakiri, known for many tribal groups.
Our team plans to hold pastors’ seminars in May and June. Pray for the funds needed and for God’s protection over all involved.
Fanel Serban, our Romania Director, will lead deliverance conferences this month. Pray for God’s anointing and the protection of everyone involved, and for many people to be set free.
Pray for the impact of our pastors' conference held in Sochi recently, attended by 400 pastors from 90 cities. Pray the books given away will be used well and bear much good fruit across Russia.
Pray for the Lord to bless the efforts of our Hispanic team following a leadership conference they helped organize and hold recently in Colombia, and that new, fruitful contacts emerge.
Recently, 26 pastors from Kinshasa, Congo, graduated from Missions Exposure and Training (MET) to be equipped for global missions. Pray for these pastors to share this material wisely and that many lives will be changed.
Director Huy Ly and his team will hold a pastors’ seminar in Kratié Province on July 15. Pray for safe travel, good health, and God’s anointing.
Pray for the DPM Directors and staff members in many nations as they serve faithfully to share Derek’s teaching and support our outreach workers.
Thank you for joining others in praying for our outreaches this month!

    Explore Other Pillars

    Discover the foundational principles that shape our mission and initiatives.

    Global Translation of Derek Prince's Teachings

    Transforming lives globally with Derek’s teachings in 100+ languages, proclaiming the life-giving Gospel to every tribe and nation.

    Outreach to the Unreached

    Reaching the unreached with Derek's teachings: spreading the Gospel where it's needed most, transforming lives worldwide.

    Media and Digital Outreach

    Broadcasting Derek's biblical teachings worldwide, spreading Christ’s love and touching millions through media.

    Bible Teaching and Education

    Empowering Christians globally with Derek's solid Bible teaching, impacting millions through books, digital resources, and programs in 100+ languages.