From Curse to Blessing

Online Bible Study Course

Are you continually frustrated by sickness, financial pressure, strained relationships or other struggles that just won't go away? Do you wonder why success comes easily to others but seems to elude you? If so, there might be a curse at work in your life.

The Bible identifies blessings and curses as invisible forces that determine each person’s destiny, whether for better or for worse. Furthermore, it shows us how to relate to these forces in such a way that we can enjoy the beneficial effects of the one and protect ourselves from the harmful effects of the other.

Learn how to be set free from curses and enjoy the destiny God planned for you through our online course, 'From Curse to Blessing'.

In this 6-weeks online course, Derek Prince shows how the spiritual forces behind blessings and curses are a reality today. Drawing from God’s Word and real-life experiences, Derek will help you understand the causes of curses – such as occult activity, hidden sin, abuses, abandonment, even sin from a previous generation – and teach you how to be set free from curses, so you can start enjoying the benefits of God’s blessings.

Millions of people have received life-transforming spiritual insight from this ground-breaking teaching, and we believe you can experience the same.


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Course Specifics

Enrollment Status:
Coming Soon
Course Type:
Course Format:
Registrations Open:
September 2, 2024
Registrations Close:
October 20, 2024
Certificate: Not Provided
Course Begins:
Course Begins:
September 20, 2024
Completion Date:
November 20, 2024
Registration Fee:
$10 (USD)
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Register Now
Certificate: A certificate is awarded for successful completion of this course.
Note: Pricing includes all essential study material, featuring book excerpts in digital format. Subject to availability, optional full physical and digital versions may be available for purchase from your local official online store.
¹ We do our best to make our study options affordable. Please consider donating to help us continue this work.

Got questions? Please see our frequently asked questions for quick and convenient answers to common course inquiries.

Derek Prince


The course consists of 6 lessons. Each week, a new lesson is released. You can take these lessons on your own time, at your own pace on your pc, laptop or tablet. Experience a variety of interactive questions, video clips featuring Derek Prince’s Bible teaching, proclamations and worship songs, taking you deep into God’s Word.

Topics covered:

  • What are blessings? What are curses?
  • Are blessings and curses impacting lives today?
  • The main blessings and curses in the Bible.
  • Which actions can cause curses?
  • The impact of words: releasing life or death.
  • How can I be released from curses?
  • The power of the Cross.

Study Material

All essential study material, which includes book excerpts in digital format, are provided and covered by the Registration Fee.

We highly recommend obtaining the full, printed edition of the teaching resources for the best learning experience. This may be available for purchase from your local official online store. If the physical resources are not available in your country, a digital version can be purchased.

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Course Prospectus

Please download the prospectus for more information about this course.

Download PDF
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.”
Jeremiah 17:7

Start Now

Start this course today in two simple steps:

  1. Download your free PDF or EPUB copy of the study guide.
  2. Complete the first lesson by watching The Exchange at the Cross and answering the questions provided in the guide.

☝️Don't forget to bookmark this page for easy access to the remaining online sermons.

Purchase the book

Purchase your paperback copy of the study guide from our official New Zealand store.

Online Store (NZ Only)

Register to enroll

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Register Interest

🔔Enrolments for this course will open soon. Subscribe below for ministry updates and be the first to know when registrations become available.

Please complete the form below to register your interest. Further information will be provided before your enrolment is finalised.

Please complete the form below to register your interest. Further information will be provided before your enrolment is finalised.

Please complete the form below to register for this course. Further information will be provided via email.

Course Language:
Course Begins:
September 20, 2024

Please complete the form below to register for this course. Further information will be provided before your enrolment is finalised.

👉Enrolments for this course have now closed, though we may revisit this subject in the future. Please complete the form below to subscribe for ministry updates, including course notifications and special announcements.

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United States

Study Portal

⚠️ You must register to enroll for this course before accessing our online Study Portal.

🔔Enrolments have closed. This course remains accessible for registered students only.

Study Portal
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Access our online Study Portal any time, day or night, on any smart device. There are no virtual classes to attend.

Total Lessons:
Lessons Published:
Lessons Available From:
September 20, 2024
Completion Date:
November 20, 2024
Completion Date:
¹ Only the introductory lesson will be available prior to this date, after registration.
² Official completion date. Students are allowed to continue their studies for another 6 months after this date, allowing them to engage with this course at their own pace.
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