With a world of information available at our fingertips, there’s never been a greater need for sound biblical teaching online. The digital ecosystem is fraught with misinformation and all manner of corruption, and unless the church is willing to engage it many will be led astray. Sadly, untold numbers already have.
It’s estimated Google, the world’s largest search engine, processes over 70,000 queries every second. That’s about 5.8 billion searches per day and two trillion searches per year. These are colossal figures that require more than a passing glance to gasp and comprehend the magnitude of the challenge before us.
People are seeking answers to life’s questions and today this journey often begins and ends online. Whether it’s a video, podcast, article or app, the prevalence of material available means people will find content to solve their curiosity, but it won’t necessarily be accurate. The spiritually hungry are often presented with falsehoods and malicious content designed to mislead, and Derek Prince Ministries UK has an essential role to play to correct this deception. Moreover, we can educate and disciple believers anywhere in the world to maturity in Christ, through technology and digital communication channels.
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Through the unparalleled growth and proliferation of online content, the digital missions field is the newest, largest and fastest growing missions field in the world. Encompassing video production, website design, social media, blogging, email communication, app development and more, it is as broad as it is diverse, offering new and exciting opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission.
Derek Prince said:
“We must be prepared to minister to future generations in the most effective ways. This may require methods of delivery and presentation different from the radio programs, books, tapes, and videos that have thus far reached so many. I, for one, am excited about what God may have in store.”
To churches and ministries that engage technology, the digital missions field provides unprecedented capacity to connect with a global audience instantly, with a click of a button.
To this end, we have assembled a specialised team to spearhead our efforts online and solidify a strong digital presence. Blessed with an invaluable trove of Bible teaching material by Derek Prince, our aim is to ensure reputable Christian content is seen and heard across the globe, wherever an internet connection is found.
Known as Derek Prince Digital, this outreach acknowledges the transition of audiences from traditional formats to modern communication channels, fueling the need to update our approach. Established in July 2020, we’re building a broad array of digital tools and resources to connect online and equip the faithful.
We’re embracing technology to “reach the unreached, and teach the untaught” with a multifaceted digital strategy that bears fruit and serves a global community of believers.
Work on our websites never stops. We continue to build a comprehensive pool of Christian tools and resources that are accessible, practical and easy-to-use.
Whether a sceptic is searching for answers to life’s big questions, or a lifelong believer is looking for an in-depth study of the Bible, our website serves as a central hub for spiritual nourishment. It is often the first point of contact for new believers who might otherwise feel isolated in a world that widely rejects biblical truth.
Through our website, we’re accessing people and places never reached before to share the Good News and make disciples.
Whether it be Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter, we’re connecting and engaging with online communities through social media.
The Christian faith is a full-time activity and social media is part of our everyday lives, so it makes sense to participate where the two overlap. In doing so, we’re able to penetrate social media feeds and expose new audiences to Christian content.
We are active on all key social media platforms, and regularly post a broad range of videos, articles, quotes and general encouragements to build up the faithful and minister to the lost. Our content is widely shared, creating a domino effect that extends our reach well beyond our immediate subscribers.
The publication of articles and helpful content online is twofold:
1. We continue to compile and distribute Derek Prince’s teaching material online. There are thousands of records that need to be catalogued and translated into multiple languages to maximise audience engagement.
2. We are writing new articles to share the Gospel and shine a light on current themes. Each new addition takes time to prayerfully consider, research, write and refine, ensuring content is consistent with the values and quality of Derek Prince teachings.
Our articles encompass a variety of faith-based topics and subjects designed to help believers move to maturity.
Through robust search engine optimisation practices (refer below) we are able to engage seekers of truth online and present articles that provide practical assistance.
The popularity and power of audiovisual presentations are as profound as they are crucial to sharing the Gospel online.
YouTube, the world’s most popular video streaming platform, boasts over two billion users and one billion hours watched daily. If you were to play this content consecutively, it would take you more than 114,155 years to complete.
With the aid of modern technology we’re digitally remastering videos of Derek Prince and publishing new audiovisual material. Our heart is to share professional and engaging content that enables audiences to absorb as much information as possible in short, bitesize portions. Coupled with extensive translation efforts, we have amassed a comprehensive YouTube library which is viewed millions of times each year.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the art and science of being found online. When people initiate a search using Google, Bing or any other search engine, good SEO ensures websites are easily found.
All our efforts online are for naught if people cannot find our content, so SEO is a key component of our wider digital strategy.
To ensure our digital assets and resources are found online, we’re implementing the best SEO practices and techniques to our ongoing website build and YouTube content. It is our desire to present Christian articles and videos to a diverse range of online searches in multiple languages, bringing salt to the dark corners of the web.
Derek Prince Ministries offers two mobile apps which we continue to develop and refine. Featuring Derek Prince radio programmes, daily devotionals, “Word from the Word” videos and more, we’ve designed each app to provide on-the-go spiritual nourishment. Additional resources and features are planned based on need and capacity.
As an international ministry, it’s imperative we engage a global audience in a way they understand.
The translation of Derek’s teachings into multiple languages has always had an essential role to play in our efforts to communicate clearly and advance the Great Commission. Needless to say, our migration online has amplified this need with unceasing demand.
Though there are a number of automatic translation tools available (i.e. Google Translate), complexities of language and subtle nuances necessitate trained review.
To date, much of our library has been translated into hundreds of languages, but work continues to expand this collection and extend online.
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