
Cambodia is a country with a greatly troubled past, with the extermination of nearly two million people by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in the 1970’s. The majority of the population still lives in poverty on about $4 per day, with very little or no opportunities for health care and education. Bribery and corruption are rife in all sectors of society and, being furthest from any access to services, the rural areas are the neediest.

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Cambodia is primarily a Buddhist nation, with over 83% practising Buddhism with a small Christian population estimated at just 3.2%, meaning the Khmer are still a “least-reached” people group. Amongst the believers, there is little understanding of Christian truths, and often pastors themselves have only a little more spiritual understanding than those they shepherd. Unfortunately, division and factions within the Cambodian church limit the spread of the Gospel and the maturing of believers, and we are told there is very little material available to disciple them.

It was only in 2015 that some of Derek’s material was first translated into the Khmer language, and we began with just a few relevant Teaching Letters. Our first opportunity for DPM-Cambodia Director, Huy, to distribute these was at a talent quest attended by 800 young people aged 18-35 years. A second outreach was held which attracted 1,000 young people who each received a copy of the booklet Divine Exchange. Numerous other outreaches continue to be held for thousands of young people, with Derek’s material being given away to those attending.

Huy also regularly holds training seminars for pastors and Christian leaders across Cambodia and equips each attendee with complimentary copies of Derek’s books which have been a huge blessing to them for their ministry. One of the pastors who attended a seminar, wrote to Huy advising:

"I have been serving in this church for five years after I started it in a community with a very challenging situation. The location is very remote, is surrounded by ancient temples and the people rejected the Good News – they were even performing witchcraft on the children. I have been tempted to leave this place many times. One day, Huy and the DPM team visited my church to hold a pastors’ seminar and youth outreach. They brought with them Derek Prince books to give out. I was so touched and happy during the seminar and decided to use the Self Study Bible Course for our church Bible study lesson. Also, the book Spiritual Warfare is really helpful to me as a pastor and my church leaders – we now have a better understanding of what happens in the spiritual realm. Other pastors were also very encouraged by the seminar and asked for more books. Our churches are now growing and many young people are attending. May God continue to bless Derek Prince Ministries."

Today, 50% of Cambodia’s population is under 25 years of age. These young people are tomorrow’s leaders in this nation, so it is vital that we reach them with the Gospel and then help them grow with Derek’s discipleship materials.

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