Eastern Europe

Dear Friend,

It is such a great privilege—and also a great responsibility—to go to the ends of the world to preach the Gospel and make disciples for Jesus.

Not many of us are called to be missionaries in foreign countries. But we can support those who have received this calling with our prayers and our gifts. In these ways, we can all play an important role in fulfilling the great commission Jesus gave His disciples.

We send our thanks, right from the start of this letter, for the support you have provided for DPM-Eastern Europe. Here are some testimonies and updates on how God has been moving in this area.

Release In Romania

Our dear brother Fanel in Romania has been coordinating the DPM work in that nation for the past 20 years. He recently shared a testimony of a woman in her seventies who lives in a remote village in Romania.

When this woman read the book “Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose,” she made an amazing discovery. For the first time in her life, she realized that her fears were not from a natural source, but rather were being caused by a demonic spirit.

She prayed the deliverance prayer contained in the book and was instantly released from the spirit of fear that had plagued her all of her life!

The Macedonian Call

Over the last few years, I have been receiving requests from believers in Macedonia for Derek Prince’s teaching materials. It has reminded me of Acts 16 where the Apostle Paul, on one of his missionary journeys, received a vision of a Macedonian man begging him to come over and help them. He understood it clearly to be God’s call to go and preach the Gospel in this Balkan nation.

My continual prayer has been that the Lord would send new workers to help us translate Derek’s materials. In late 2019, we were contacted by Catherine, a young woman from Macedonia, asking if she could be of help in translating Derek’s books into her mother language.

Catherine’s life had been difficult. Her mother had rejected her while she was still in the womb and gave her up for adoption immediately after her birth. Her adopted father was an alcoholic, and both of her parents died of cancer. From the deep wounds she carried, Catherine had suffered from rejection, fears, depression, and nightmares.

Healing And Freedom

Shortly after she reached the age of 20, Catherine married a godly young man—and something marvelous happened. God reached out to her in His love and saved her. Derek Prince’s teaching played a very important role in her early Christian years. The English book, Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose, set her on a path toward healing and freedom in Christ. Catherine says:

"I am thankful to God for His breath in me, for my husband, and for all He has given me—and I want to use my time to serve Him. I am so very grateful I can translate Derek’s books. God has already given me amazing victories and has changed me so much. I know Jesus has the victory and I will be completely free from all that kept me bound."

So far, Catherine has translated almost 15 books into the Macedonian language. Our plans are to print them as soon as possible and make them available to Christians in that country. As I think of Catherine’s story, I hear the Macedonian man calling again: “Come and help us” to preach the Gospel in Macedonia.

That is the same call we are hearing from many other countries of Eastern and Central Europe.

Bringing Hope And Encouragement

We need your help to answer that call. Your financial gift will make a great impact in the lives of believers in Eastern and Central Europe who, like Dragan, a pastor from Montenegro, are being blessed by Derek´s teaching. Pastor Dragan expresses his appreciation in the following words:

“Together with my wife, I am pastoring a church in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. I want to express my gratitude for all that God has done and is still doing through Derek’s teaching in our personal lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters in the church. Books like Foundations for Christian Living, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and What’s So Important about the Cross? have had a great impact on my personal life, helping me to understand God's Word in a profound and deep way. I believe Derek's teaching will continue to impact those who will come to Christ in the near future in my country.”

All of us at DPM-EE invite you today to pray and give as the Lord directs to help us answer the “call” of believers in Eastern and Central Europe. Your contribution will enable us to meet the needs of pastors and believers living in less privileged circumstances. We long to answer their cry for help!

Your gift of $25 will be used to sustain the outreach to nations in Eastern and Central Europe; your gift of $50 to $75 will go toward the publication and distribution of new books; your gift of $100 or more will help with new translation work for nations like Macedonia. To make a gift, you can donate securely on our website below. Thank you for your love, your prayers, and your generosity!

In His Name,

Warren Smith
Regional Director DPM-Asia/Pacific

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