
Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world with a population of almost 280 million, and is made up of over 17,500 islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and parts of Borneo and New Guinea. About 6,000 of these islands are inhabited.

Our ministry in Indonesia began in 1991 after the Lord asked DPM-New Zealand Director, Warren Smith, in a missions meeting, what were we doing to share Derek’s teaching with our close neighbour? A New Zealand English teacher and children’s worker who had been working in Jakarta was employed, and over the next five years she arranged for 30 of Derek’s books to be translated and published in the Indonesian language, and an office was established in Jakarta. Most of the translation was done by Pak. Peter Rondeel, who was also a member of the DPM-Indonesia Board. Now, 46 of Derek’s books have been translated and published, with nearly 230,000 copies printed and these have been widely distributed to pastors and Christian leaders in Indonesia.

Another pastor voiced 140 of Derek’s radio programmes, Keys to Successful Living, in Indonesian, which are still being broadcast on about 22 Christian radio stations in 18 major cities across Indonesia, potentially reaching 23 million people. The English version of the programme has been broadcast since about 2001. Derek’s radio programme has also been placed on audio devices for sending out.

In 2015, 30 of Derek’s most significant foundational messages were translated and voiced in Indonesian. These audios, along with the transcripts and a Study Guide, have been widely distributed amongst pastors and Christian leaders and are all freely available.

Many conferences and seminars have been held for pastors, elders and missionaries over the years using Derek’s teaching to teach and encourage those in leadership. Derek’s books have also been freely distributed which has been a real blessing to those attending.  One of the testimonies we received was from the Synod Chairman of the Siloam Evangelical Church in North Sumatra, who wrote:

“On behalf of the pastors of the Siloam Evangelical Church, I would like to thank you for the books and CD’s from Derek Prince. These materials have been a real blessing to our ministry.

Thank God, when the books were received by us at our recent synod conference, it was like a breeze of fresh air to the pastors.

I have personally benefited from the messages myself because of Derek’s vast knowledge and experience in dealing with the spirit world.

Some of the pastors have been especially blessed by the CD’s containing Derek’s teachings. As most of the pastors are from the villages and have only a bare minimum of school education (only up to secondary school), they have difficulty reading books, especially bulky ones. So, they were very much helped by the CD’s, which they just have to turn on to listen to Derek’s sermons. Praise the Lord.”

It is the desire of our hearts to see God’s transforming Word go out to as many people as possible across this vast region to bring understanding about eternal life, and also to bring more revelation and maturity to the Body of Christ.  Having Derek’s Indonesian teaching freely available on the Indonesia website and other social media platforms is instrumental in helping us to achieve this goal.

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