
It has been said that Japan is the hardest country to reach with Christian material and so it was with great delight when in 2014 we at DPM-New Zealand were put in touch with a Japanese translator, Yvonne (name changed for security reasons), who lives in Osaka (south-east Japan). Since then, Yvonne and a volunteer translator, have been very busy translating Derek’s material and we now have the following Japanese Bible teaching resources available on our DPM-Japan dual-language website and App:

  • Teaching Letters
  • 30 of Derek’s most significant messages, including the Laying the Foundation messages, voiced in Japanese, along with a free Study Guide.
  • 168 two-minute messages entitled A Word from the Word
  • Books available for free download

We have only just begun to reach the Japanese people with Derek’s teaching – and we are believing for many opportunities to greatly expand our ministry in this spiritually dry and thirsty nation.

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