
Our Malaysia office was opened in Kuala Lumpur in 2002 and proved to be a great source of encouragement to many pastors, lay leaders and believers until our coordinator retired in 2020.

During our time of ministry in Malaysia, thousands of Derek’s English books were sold to Christian bookshops, with thousands more freely distributed to pastors and Christian leaders all over Malaysia. Our purpose was to assist these leaders in achieving a better insight into the Word of God through Derek’s practical and simple teaching. We were very encouraged to see visible fruit from this book distribution.

Along with free books, thousands of CDs and Teaching Letters in the Bahasa Indonesia language were sent to rural areas and we received a good response from these direct mailings with encouraging testimonies received.

Our proclamation cards were always very popular and the Divine Exchange card was often used during communion. These have also been used as evangelistic and language tools.

Derek’s teaching was regularly provided to churches and conferences, with many people clamouring to purchase Derek’s books and CDs. Many churches opened their doors for our coordinator to set up book tables.

A number of years ago, DPM-Malaysia was invited to partner at a prayer revival conference for about 2,000 participants, and about 500 invited Bahasa-Indonesia speaking pastors, lay leaders and Christians. At the time, 10 Bahasa Indonesia audio messages were available, and these were gifted to the pastors and lay leaders, along with Derek’s Teaching Letters and Foundations for Life books. We were told there was much joy on the faces of the pastors and lay leaders as they received their gift bags of resources.

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Another important part of our ministry in Malaysia was reaching out to prisoners and we distributed free copies of our proclamation cards and prisoners received a free book such as Extravagant Love and Complete Salvation.

Although we have no active ministry in Malaysia at present, Derek’s English books continue to be sold in Christian bookshops and serve to bring his transformational teaching to this predominantly Muslim nation.

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