Middle East

Dear Friend,

Do you believe that Christians who are struggling with pressing issues should have access to life-changing Bible teaching that can help them apply the truths of Scripture in their lives?

Do you believe that pastors in countries which are closed to the gospel need foundational Bible teaching for drawing closer to God and leading others to Jesus?

Do you believe that Derek Prince’s teaching can be amazingly influential – the kind of teaching that can help people understand the Lord and nurture them in their faith?

If you answered “yes” to those three questions, then you believe in the mission of our DPM outreach in the Middle East. We are so thankful, because without the help and encouragement of caring supporters like you, we could not continue to extend this important outreach.

Every week, pastors will receive discipleship materials by Derek Prince—books like The Grace of Yielding, Receiving God’s Promises, The Gifts of the Spirit, and Life’s Bitter Pool. Resources like these will help them to minister more effectively.

Many pastors across the Middle East and North Africa have little theological training. Without this, they often lack the understanding and revelation that come through the Word and the Spirit. With your help – we are able to offer them a wide range of printed and digital resources by Derek Prince in their own languages.

Together we can equip thousands of pastors in Egypt, Algeria, and the surrounding regions to anchor their lives and their ministries in God’s Word.

Your gift of $20, $50 or whatever you can give towards our DPM outreach in the Middle East can help make this happen.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, our outreach team based in Egypt has intensified its efforts to reach more people across this vast region through interacting on Facebook, uploading Derek’s videos on YouTube, posting free discipleship resources in Arabic, and personally responding to thousands of messages from believers or seekers.

This Is Hadeer’s Story

When she joined our DPM Arabic Facebook page, Hadeer asked a question about the Holy Spirit. Gradually, she continued to ask more questions about God, though she did not share much of her own story.

Our workers continued to chat with her. They faithfully answered her questions about the Bible until she felt that she could trust them. Then Hadeer shared her faith story with our team.

Hadeer is a woman from a Muslim background. She recently gave her life to Jesus but cannot go to church because members of her family oppose her faith. She loves Jesus and her desire is to lead others to Him.

That is why she came to our DPM Arabic Facebook page where our outreach workers invited Hadeer to join an online discipleship group, using Derek’s Foundations course in Arabic. She is enjoying learning more about God and how to share her newfound faith with others.

I don’t know about you, but I love hearing testimonies like this one! It excites me to know that even with all the difficulties of evangelising in Muslim countries, we can encourage Hadeer and other seekers to become followers of Jesus.

The outreach work of Derek Prince Ministries in the Middle East began over 20 years ago. Since then we have equipped hundreds of thousands of local pastors, evangelists, Bible college students, and believers in this region.

We have taken Bible teaching by Derek Prince in Arabic, Farsi, Amharic, Sorani, Berber and other local languages into countless homes via radio and TV programs, website downloads, YouTube videos, social media channels, and SD cards.

I would like to invite you to help us to continue this vital outreach in 2021 and beyond!

Will you help DPM-Middle East to equip local pastors and new believers like Hadeer with Derek’s Bible teaching, via books and digital channels?

This year, we have printed seven books into Arabic and are using creative ways to distribute them safely. Also, we are broadcasting audio teaching messages on 14 radio stations, several times each day.

In addition to this, our Arabic Facebook page now has over 116,000 followers, with over 2.7 million people connecting to Derek’s resources through this social media platform. Hundreds of Muslim-background seekers and believers who find our page on Facebook are signing up for our online courses. We are having many fruitful conversations with them.

The online ministry is expanding rapidly. With your generous help, we can respond to those seeking God at this difficult time. Please pray for our outreach and send a gift if you can.

Thank you for your generosity and your commitment to growing strong disciples of Jesus across the Middle East.

With my warmest thanks,

Warren Smith
Regional Director DPM-Asia/Pacific

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