
DPM-Nepal Director, Ps. Gopaljee, recognises the importance of books. He knows very well that many of the pastors in Nepal are not well educated and asked the question, “how will they teach their flocks about the things of God unless they themselves know the truth?” And so, it was in 1997 that Gopaljee began translating, printing and distributing Derek’s books in the Nepali language. His burden and dream have always been to “bombard the people with the books – good, anointed and spiritual books” and thanks to his dedication, thousands of pastors and Christian leaders all across Nepal have received free copies of Derek’s books and regularly use his teaching in their church services. Many of the villages are extremely remote, yet Gopaljee and his wife, Ganga, have personally visited a number of them, often necessitating hours of walking over steep and difficult terrain.

In total, over 790,000 of Derek’s books in Nepali have been either given away or sold at nominal prices to many Nepali believers who now live and work in Nepal, India, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Korea. The name Derek Prince is now known by every Christian in Nepal and his life-changing books have become spiritual manuals for many believers.

Along with our office in Kathmandu, we have two distribution centres in Nepal, namely Itahari (South East Nepal) and Pokhara (West Nepal) and Derek’s books are freely distributed and sold from these centres.

There are 60 Bible Colleges in the Kathmandu Valley and each year graduates receive a gift pack of Derek’s books for their future ministry. Without this pack of Derek’s books, they would most likely have no other Christian resources to use as they are unable to afford them, coupled with the lack of good Christian books available in the nation.

Gopaljee also conducts short-term Bible training schools ranging from one to five months, along with conferences and seminars for pastors and Christian leaders where Derek’s books are freely given to attendees to further equip them with God’s Word.

Nepal is a Hindu-majority nation, where proselytising is illegal, yet it has one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world. Our aim is to keep distributing as many of Derek’s Nepali books as possible, but also to increase our on-line presence so that we can reach even more people with Derek’s life-changing teaching.

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