
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”. This was particularly encouraging for us here at DPM-Asia/Pacific. For over 20 years we had been praying and waiting for the door to open to enable us to make Derek’s Bible teaching available in Thailand, a nation of over 68 million people. That door finally opened in 2020, enabling us to begin a new work which is coordinated by a New Zealand couple who had already spent several years in this nation, based in north east Thailand.

We began by employing a Christian translation company in Chiang Mai to translate 24 of Derek’s most influential books into Thai. We then printed 3,000 copies of just one of these books, namely Divine Exchange. This “flag-ship” book was widely distributed to pastors and churches in north east Thailand. These books served as an introduction to the ministry and the Thai website and our coordinators believe they will be instrumental in helping pastors and believers able to share the Gospel with others and to share truth with greater understanding. Today, Derek’s Teaching Letters, books and proclamation cards are all available for free download from the Thai website.

We are currently exploring pre-selling Derek’s books to Christian bookshops in Thailand and would also like to look at voicing some of Derek’s short teaching messages which will also be made freely available. Derek’s Thai Bible teaching material leaves a legacy for the next generation of Thai believers, to grow and develop firm foundations in the Lord.

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