Eastern Europe

Derek Prince Ministries established an office in Holland in 1989 to pursue new opportunities for serving the Church in Eastern Europe. We began to make the life-changing Bible teachings of Derek Prince available to the Netherlands and other parts of Europe.

Those were challenging and exciting times.

Challenging times because years of Communist rule in parts of Europe had taken a social and economic toll on thousands of Christians - exciting times because, thanks to the generosity of supporters, we were able to offer them Bible-based discipleship resources.


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Growth of the outreach

The continued support grew, and our outreach in Eastern Europe quickly became a key player in the region. Along with our office in Holland, outreaches sprang up in Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia.

We helped thousands of local churches minister God’s life-changing Word to many who had been rendered hopeless, disillusioned, and impoverished by decades of Communist rule.


Thousands of Christians across Eastern Europe still face many challenges. The top challenge is lack of sound Bible teaching, “the whole counsel of God”, not just teaching on selected topics. Another challenge is busyness with life, work or family that often hinders Christians from digging deeper into God’s Word and growing strong in their faith. Other issues include struggling with poverty, divorce and ignorance of God’s calling and purposes for their lives.

Derek Prince Ministries Eastern Europe is responding to these challenges by making more of Derek’s foundational Bible teaching available in both print and online. Also, our workers are hosting more training events and conferences (when able) on practical topics like the marriage covenant, how to be a good husband and father, how to manage finances well and much more.

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