Only God accurately predicts the future and can declare the end from the beginning. Expand your knowledge of biblical prophecy.
(Chronological order)
Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.
The present age is closing with a vast, double harvest: salvation to the repentant, judgment on the rebellious. God is calling out labourers to reap the harvest of salvation.
Bend The Church And Bow The World
‘Bend the Church and Bow the World’ was the theme of the revival that shook the little nation of Wales in 1904. It is still true today and just as relevant. If the Church will bend, the World will bow.
Laying the Foundation
The Holy Spirit presents to us in Hebrews 6:1–2 the basic tenets of the Christian faith—the fifth of which is "laying on of hands." By it, we may transmit God's healing, power, blessing, authority and also commission someone for service by recognizing and endorsing God's choice.