Watch powerful full-length sermons by Derek Prince for practical Bible-based messages that inspire faith and draw you closer to God.
The Roman Pilgrimage (Volume 1)
Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and the intellectual, without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truth in terms of the most flawless logic. It will not merely illuminate your spirit; it will also challenge your intellect. Watch as Derek explores Romans 1:18-2:16.
These three emotional wounds cut deeper than any physical injury ever could, but at the cross, Jesus offers complete and total healing. Let this encouraging message start you on the path to God's tender healing.
As you speak Scripture aloud, believing in faith, the unseen world responds. Derek Prince shows you keys in God's Word that will help you build up your faith through the simple, secret power of proclamation.
The Roman Pilgrimage (Volume 2)
A detailed study of Romans 7:1-21.
Release from the Curse
Are you frustrated? Defeated? Never fully satisfied? There could be a spiritual reason behind it. Discover how you can pass from the dark shadow of a curse into the sunlight of God's blessing!
War in Heaven and Earth
As Christians, we are involved in a wrestling match—both individually and corporately. In order to be victorious, we must understand the origin of this conflict and the structure of our enemy's kingdom.
(Alphabetical order)
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In this insightful message, Derek Prince demystifies demons and offers practical steps to breaking their strongholds.
Personal testimony is the "hyssop" by which we apply the Blood of Jesus to our lives.
We have an enemy that takes us seriously, so we should take our enemy seriously. In this insightful message, Derek Prince explains the nature and activity of spiritual warfare.
Righteous living is not achieved by keeping a set of rules, but by being led by a personal guide: The Holy Spirit. Learn how to be a fulfilled and complete Christian believers.
Seven Steps To Revival
How can we determine what is witchcraft and what is not? Is there a spirit of witchcraft at work in our nation? Watch this video to find out! The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord's compassion prevails.
God provides healing as part of the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. But what do you do when you don't see the healing manifest in the physical realm? Derek Prince discloses six common barriers to healing—and how to overcome them.
In Matthew, when Jesus says, "When you pray," we all accept that He intends for prayer to be a key part of our life as a Christian. But then how do we respond when Jesus says, "When you fast"? Discover God's mandate to fast—and the benefits and effects connected to it.
God saved you to fulfill a plan He conceived in eternity. Discover the seven steps that will take you into that plan!
Basics of Deliverance
Controversial, yet scriptural. Deliverance from demonic influence is a relevant and needed ministry in today's church. Drawing on decades of personal experience, Derek Prince imparts the foundational keys to spiritual freedom.