God has sent His Holy Spirit with abundant provision for Christian believers including nine spiritual gifts with wonderful benefits.
(Chronological order)
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended to build up the church. In this three-part series, Derek Prince offers insight into how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and exercise these gifts with wisdom and responsibility.
Be Perfect
Derek Prince points out that perfection encompasses two related aspects: maturity and completeness. Walk with Derek through 2 Peter 1:2-7 as he uncovers each of these building blocks, explaining how to empower you to incorporate each one into the foundation of your life.
Laying the Foundation
As each believer comes to faith in Christ, four elements are required: confrontation, revelation, acknowledgement and confession. If we have never laid that foundation, we can never erect the building that is our life in Christ. Once we have laid the foundation, we can go on to complete the building, "and this we will do if God permits" (Hebrews 6:3).