Favored and Accepted
Declaring God's Word
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27 August 
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Favored and Accepted

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
27 August 

By Derek Prince

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In love, my Father has predestined me to be adopted as His son or daughter

“He [God] chose us… having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:4–6)

Who is “the Beloved”? Jesus. Notice the order there. We are chosen, predestined, adopted, and accepted. Say these steps aloud: “I am chosen, predestined, adopted, accepted.” I am aware that some of the modern translations do not use the word accepted. The Greek phrase translated as “He made us accepted” means, “God has bestowed His favor upon us totally.” Again, when the angel Gabriel saluted the Virgin Mary, he said, “Rejoice, highly favored one” (Luke 1:28). Favored is the same Greek word as in Ephesians, and “accepted” is a good way to translate it. We are not merely tolerated by God. We are not just standing on the sidelines. Rather, we are the objects of His highest favor. Can you believe that? It is incredible.

In my opinion, feelings of insecurity are linked directly to the problem of rejection. The solution is to become part of God’s family. God has not changed. God is love. God loves every one of His children. There are no second class children of God. If you are a child of God, you do not have to tiptoe down the corridor and knock at His door, hoping that He will deign to let you in. He is waiting for you with open arms.

Prayer response

Thank You, Father, that I am Your child. I proclaim that I am chosen, predestined, adopted, accepted. God has bestowed His favor upon me completely. In love, my Father has predestined me to be adopted as His son or daughter. Amen.

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