The Total Exchange
Declaring God's Word
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29 April 
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The Total Exchange

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
29 April 

By Derek Prince

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Jesus died our death that we might receive His life

“We all like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way.” (Isaiah 53:6)

This passage can be summarized in one word: rebellion. It is the common sin of all humanity. The prophet continued, “And the Lord has laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all” (verse 6). The word iniquity (Hebrew, avon) means “rebellion,” “the punishment for rebellion,” and “all the evil consequences of rebellion.” On the cross, Jesus—our substitute, the last Adam—became the rebel with our rebellion and endured all the evil consequences of rebellion.

This is the door to God’s treasure house, if we can grasp it. This is the exchange: All the evil our rebellion deserved came upon Jesus so that all the good He deserved—because of His perfect obedience—might be offered to us. In whatever way we look at that exchange, it was total. Jesus was punished so that we might be forgiven. He was wounded so that we might be healed. He bore our sin so that we might share His righteousness. He died our death so that we might share His life. He was made a curse so that we might receive the blessing. He endured our poverty so that we might share His abundance. He bore our shame so that we might have His glory. He endured our rejection so that we might have His acceptance.

Just picture the rebel on the cross and know that you are that rebel—indeed, you should be hanging there. But Jesus took your place. He not only bore your rebellion, but also bore all its evil consequences so that you might enter into all the blessings of His perfect obedience. That is grace at work. You cannot earn it, you did not deserve it, and you had no claim upon it. There is only one way to receive it, and that is by faith. Just believe.

Prayer response

Thank You, Jesus, for Your work on the cross. I proclaim that Jesus died my death that I might receive His life. Amen.

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